12u Black NP Super Bowl Board 1

Names will be assigned to the player number.

1Matt Maple
Wes Ashmore
Sam Escatel
Tony Mortensen
Anthony Edgar
Nick Baldassone
Kati Mattis
Tarita Boothe
Tim Schlosser
18u ES
Randy Leifheit
5Lori Cowley
Chase Novy
Matt Maple
Pat Testin
Stefanie Bologna
Kellan Walsh
Brenda Palomar
Michelle Potter
Danielle Fritsche
Jennie Greer
9Randy Leifheit
Ed Ellison
Stefanie Bologna
Fran Baldassone
Wes Ashmore
Dan Escatel
Chrissy Hollmann
Chad Rich
Karlye Novy
Matt Maple
8Tony Mortensen
Chad Rich
Jan McGhee
Dan Escatel
Sasha Schumacher
Megan Lockwood
14u DH #9
Matt Maple
Kellan Walsh
Jennie Greer
Tina Houdek
AFC3Dani Schlosser
18u ES
Florence Baldassone
Rachel Oleksiak
Kye Schlosser
18u ES
Tarita Boothe
Matt Maple
Chad Rich
Sam Escatel
Tony Mortensen
Tom Rairdon
6Kelly Glover
Matt Maple
Wes Ashmore
Kristen Leahy
Amy Morel
Chad Rich
Nick Novy
Robin Bailey
14u DH #9
Tina Houdek
Brenda Palomar
4Brielle Novy
Krista Lipnisky
Ed Ellison
Megan Lockwood
14u DH #9
Chad Rich
Meredith Bend
Dan Escatel
Tina Houdek
Shawn Buehler
14u DH #9
Chrystal Warren
0Dennis Obrien
Sara Beever
Chad Rich
Nick Novy
Matt Maple
Rosa Napolitano
Tina Seydlitz
Krista Lipnisky
Brian Guggisberg
Missy Schlosser
18u ES
2Barb Napolitano
Mak Jonutz
14u DH #9
Colleen Menze
Matt Maple
Tina Seydlitz
Ed Ellison
Kellan Walsh
Shawn Buehler
14u DH #9
Samantha Escatel
Denise Edgar
7Kevin Betz
Dan Escatel
Tina Seydlitz
Chad Rich
Brian Guggisberg
Kenzie Schlosser
18u ES
Eric Rausch
Mak Jonutz
14u DH #9
Ed Ellison
Krista Lipnisky

Names will be assigned to the player number.